Thursday, 12 December 2013

I have a dream ....

Sand sculpture on Durban beach
Unlike Paris Hilton I do know it was our beloved Tata Madiba (RIP) who passed this week and not Martin Luther King Jr, but I DO have a dream.
I have been having this dream for many a year but since I have moved to France, I can almost taste it.  I constantly wake up and realise my dream is not real yet, and the disappointment is like the taste of ashes from my unclean fire.
In my dream (like all dreams) everything is perfect, the sun is shining (natch), the birds are tweeting - singing, not on Twitter, the kids are happy and well behaved (?), and hubby is content from just digging the veg from the garden and about to enjoy lunch al fresco with his book.  Where am I, I hear you wonder, well busy making the dream a reality!
This is the thing with dreams some of us are lucky enough to be able to make our dreams come true and even though I have not quite achieved my reality, I am close.  I am here; I am in France which six years ago looked ‘absolument impossible’!
I don’t often talk about my absolute rooted faith in our glorious Lord but that is what I have, and I hope that my actions speak louder than words.  However, I do believe that the Lord has got me thus far and when the time is right, he will be there to facilitate the rest of my dream.  Poppycock, I hear you shout, maybe so, but that is what I believe.
'Ma fille's' creation
So in this festive time of reflection and giving (and I am so happy to say, less commercial Christmas in France) my gift to you is that your dreams will come true and whatever helps you believe it, will come through for you.  In time I know I will wake up and be in the reality of my dream and I wish that for everyone.

Bon Noel.

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